Friday, May 25, 2007

Why Manchester United Should Be Banned?

I think Manchester United should be banned from coming to Malaysia all together as it carries the symbol of RED DEVIL. Who on earth with sane mind will carry the devil symbol openly and worship it unless u are evil ! Dont playX2 with devil, it will destroy everything and not to build!
PAS - it is time to voice out your objection loudly and not complaining that the loud speakers of the mosque are not loud enough!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Where The RM8 Billions For Malaysia Civil Servants & Pensioners Come From?

I wonder where the goverment get the RM8 billion from where there's no budget set aside from last year's Budget? it is another typical case of no proper planning by the goverment and just spend all our money without thinking twice. Sooner or later, we will be taxed not according to our income but on other criterias e.g. race to support the expenditure to keep the civil servants so that they will vote the same goverment again and again until the country becomes bankrupt. My projection is that we will become a bankrupt country before 2020 or sooner based on the way our beloved country is run unless miracle happens to us.